Preventive measures for deflagration of gasoline engines
Apr 8, 2020
1.Correct ignition timing
(1) correct ignition timing is one of the effective measures to avoid deflagration of gasoline engines.The optimum ignition advance Angle is determined by bench test. If the ignition advance Angle is too large, the mixture pressure and temperature are too high, the deflagration tendency will increase.Therefore, in the distributor adjustment and installation, must be careful according to the normal steps and technical data operation.In addition, some drivers believe that the ignition advance Angle is large, the engine power can be improved.Therefore, often artificially adjust the ignition time early, resulting in the car in the running (especially when high load low speed) deflagration, damage parts.
(2)The octane number of gasoline directly indicates its anti-knock performance.If the use of less than the specified brand of gasoline, must promptly adjust the octane number regulator on the distributor to the negative direction, in order to appropriately delay the ignition time, to avoid deflagration.
(3)The deflagration of the engine is closely related to the inlet temperature of the engine.Such as: in the case of high temperature, engine gas volume reduction, easy to cause deflagration.At this point, the ignition time should be postponed appropriately and try to improve the intake mode.
(1) correct ignition timing is one of the effective measures to avoid deflagration of gasoline engines.The optimum ignition advance Angle is determined by bench test. If the ignition advance Angle is too large, the mixture pressure and temperature are too high, the deflagration tendency will increase.Therefore, in the distributor adjustment and installation, must be careful according to the normal steps and technical data operation.In addition, some drivers believe that the ignition advance Angle is large, the engine power can be improved.Therefore, often artificially adjust the ignition time early, resulting in the car in the running (especially when high load low speed) deflagration, damage parts.
(2)The octane number of gasoline directly indicates its anti-knock performance.If the use of less than the specified brand of gasoline, must promptly adjust the octane number regulator on the distributor to the negative direction, in order to appropriately delay the ignition time, to avoid deflagration.
(3)The deflagration of the engine is closely related to the inlet temperature of the engine.Such as: in the case of high temperature, engine gas volume reduction, easy to cause deflagration.At this point, the ignition time should be postponed appropriately and try to improve the intake mode.

2.At work, timely removal of the combustion chamber carbon deposit engine, incomplete combustion of fuel oil and into the combustion chamber under the action of high temperature and oxygen, condensed in the combustion chamber wall, the ring grooves, valve head, valve seat, the cylinder wall and the spark plug, forming a layer of coarse hard gelatin and carbonaceous complex mixture, namely carbon deposit.Severe carbon accumulation causes poor heat transfer and excessive temperature rise.Carbon deposition also reduces the combustion chamber volume, relatively increases the compression ratio of the engine, and increases the deflagration tendency.At the same time, carbon accumulation will also form a hot surface and hot points, leading to surface ignition, thus making the engine load increase, shorten the service life.In addition, the accumulation of carbon particles will also cause the cylinder accelerated wear.Therefore, in the maintenance and repair of the engine, it is necessary to thoroughly remove the accumulation of carbon, and find out the cause of carbon accumulation, to solve.The main causes of carbon accumulation in engines are as follows.
1)Improper carburetor adjustment, poor inlet pipe or air leakage, resulting in mixture composition imbalance.
2)Poor quality gasoline, containing impurities.
3)The use time of lubricating oil in the body is too long, and the colloid content is high.
4)The piston ring is loose, the opening is too large, the matching or failure, the oil burns into the combustion chamber.
5)Cylinder seals such as valve, piston ring, cylinder cushion wear or damage, resulting in air leakage, reducing the cylinder pressure, so that the fuel can not be fully burned.
6)Ignition timing is not accurate, too early or too late.
7)Start long time low temperature operation, make fuel combustion incomplete.
8)The valve pipe and valve stem of the overhead valve distribution mechanism are worn, and the gap is too large, causing the oil to infiltrate into the combustion chamber.
9)Ignition system failure caused ignition energy is insufficient, spark plug easy to carbon.
10)Oil bath air filter tilts or overfills with oil, which is inhaled into the cylinder and burns.
11)Wrong spark plug selection.Such as: hot spark plug engine misuse of cold spark plug and make spark plug carbon.
2)Poor quality gasoline, containing impurities.
3)The use time of lubricating oil in the body is too long, and the colloid content is high.
4)The piston ring is loose, the opening is too large, the matching or failure, the oil burns into the combustion chamber.
5)Cylinder seals such as valve, piston ring, cylinder cushion wear or damage, resulting in air leakage, reducing the cylinder pressure, so that the fuel can not be fully burned.
6)Ignition timing is not accurate, too early or too late.
7)Start long time low temperature operation, make fuel combustion incomplete.
8)The valve pipe and valve stem of the overhead valve distribution mechanism are worn, and the gap is too large, causing the oil to infiltrate into the combustion chamber.
9)Ignition system failure caused ignition energy is insufficient, spark plug easy to carbon.
10)Oil bath air filter tilts or overfills with oil, which is inhaled into the cylinder and burns.
11)Wrong spark plug selection.Such as: hot spark plug engine misuse of cold spark plug and make spark plug carbon.